As we explained previously, we have 12 different zodiac signs that are based in Chinese history here in Japan.
The animal symbol will be changed from Dragon to Snake in 2025.
If you were born in 1941, ’53, ’65, ’77, ’89, 2001 or ’13, your zodiac is the “Snake!”
Snake is symbolized as “rebirth”, “infinite potential”, “perpetual youth and longevity” and “economic fortune.”
Many people are still not sure what’s going on around the world right now and where we are going exactly.
Even so, let’s conquer all difficulties and go up higher from our current position.
We really believe the best is yet to come with you.
We hope you will have a lot of good times next year, but take head the snake in the grass.
Talk to you soon and have wonderful holidays!
Very best wishes from Tokyo,
Year End ’24 and New Year ’25 Holidays
2024/12/16 01:34